Love Heals 21 Day Challenge

Do you struggle with anger, reactivity, and too much stress?
Learn Somatic Mindfulness Practices so you can:
- Slow Down Anger & Reactivity
- Be More Loving
- Calm Inner Conflict
- Connect Mind & Body
- Lower Stress
- Embody Peace
How It Works
Each morning for 15 minutes, we’ll do a quick lesson and somatic mindfulness practice to calm the mind, relax your body, and find peace in chaos for the day.
If you can’t make a day, you can simply make it up or skip a day.
Participate LIVE with me for 15 minutes through the meditation app Insight Timer or via YouTube livestream when convenient to watch for you. To receive the links and details, register below.
We love rewarding consistency and full participation!
Those who complete 21 days of the challenge by Dec 12 Receive:
- Access to replays beyond Dec 30, 2024 to use for their home practice. Otherwise, replays expire Dec 30, 2024.
- Eligibility to apply an entry to win a giveaway (value $2,500) including 1:1 Private Sessions with Anna and Ignite Course. Applications are due by Dec 14, 2024 at midnight PST.
UPDATE: Due to my dad’s stroke recovery and caretaking role, I need to be as available as possible and can no longer attend the retreat. I encourage you to still attend on your own. Register for Love Heals Retreat here.
After you complete the 21 day challenge, apply for the $2,500 scholarship give away here.
Small Business Saturday 40% off Special
LOVE HEALS SolJoy Package
- 5 day, 4 nights Love Heals Retreat at Sedona Mago Center plus 3 meals/day and double room accommodations led by Ilchibuko Todd (Value: $1,480 Black Friday Promo for program only normally $1,850 + $595 for room and double room with roomate) Airfare and shuttle not included.*
**BodynBrain hosts the retreat. Must sign up through me to work with BodynBrain for a group block if you want me as a trainer before and after the retreat with a community. Will help coordinate a rental car to arrive at the center (instead of a shuttle that’s $80 each way + tip from PHX airport. Value ($2500)
- Pre Retreat 21 Day Preparation Training ($555)
- 2 1:1 Private Sessions with Anna ($1,110)
- Community Connection and Support (priceless)
- 6 month 12 session Training Integrations February to July – Virtually with Anna (Value $1,400)
- Training topics include:
- Qigong Tai Chi Classes
- Somatic Mindfulness Training
- Meditation & Breathwork
TOTAL VALUE $5,555. $3,333 through Nov 11/28/24 at midnight PST (Save 40% through)
- Training topics include:
Ilchibuko Todd brings over 20 years of experience mastering Qi energy through Sun Tao Living practice nad Body & Brain. She offers expert guidance to reconnect people to the deepest root of themselves and awakes their fullest potential. As an international speaker and trainer who envisions individual awakening and healing to be the seed from which the healing of all humanity and the earth will grow. She is the trainer who led the group in the documentary LOVE HEALS through their transformational experience.
Meet Ilchibuko

Meet Anna

Anna Choi, Founder & CEO of Soljoy, trains the next generation of high achieving community leaders to calm the mind, find peace in chaos, and embody the soul’s joy. As a 2x TEDx Speaker, Bestselling Author, Black Belt, annd Performance Artist she distills ancient wisdom into modern day somatic mindfulness practices serving thousands of students. Her vision is that world peace starts with inner peace, catalyzing elevating humanity’s consciousness.
Love Heals Retreat
Based on the award winning documentary Love Heals, this challenge walks through each chapter of the recently published book Love Heals Practice Guide: a 21 Day of Personal Transformation by Ilchi Lee and Ilchibuko Todd.
- Reconnect your Mind, Body, and Spirit in 5 Days
- Use Pure Love to Accept Pain of Emotions and the Past
- Trust, Accept, Forgive, and Heal Yourself
Experience ancient East Asian energy practices and principles, which hold the key to unlock the limitless potential of your body’s energy centers.
About Sedona Mago Retreat Center:
Experience 173 acres of Coconino National Forest, cradled amongst Sedona’s renowned vortexes and healing red rock, as the destination for deep healing
and transformation the last 40 years.
Small Business Saturday Special
Investment: $5,555–$3,333 paid in full (save 40%)
OR $2500 deposit for retreat and monthly payment plan (Save 20% at $4,444)
Offer expires Nov 28, 2024 at Midnight PT
The Last 2 Love Heals Retreats Sold Out in Advance. 5 Spots Left