Replenish Your Energy Webinar
Calm the Chatter. Cut through Distraction. Tap into Boundless Energy
You’ll Learn How To:
-Develop your energy sense to feel centered
-Integrate the 5 keys to reclaim your energy
-Leave feeling replenished and energized
This powerful webinar workshop is focused on helping you reclaim your energy, so you can end the year powerfully recharged, focused, and energized.
Like many high achieving, creative, conscious business leaders, do you want to:
*Calm the Mind Chatter
*Cut through Distractions
*Tap into Boundless Energy
*Lack a solid morning routine
*Find it hard to fit in a workout
*Feel exhausted from back to back meetings
*Have too many competing commitments
*Drained from managing close relationships
As a high achieving conscious leader, you’re no longer as young or quick to recover anymore. You may be taking care of aging parents, toddlers or kids at home, meeting your organization’s demands, while working remote with your partner – all while trying to squeeze in time for yourself to just breathe.
In this workshop, Energy Coach, Anna Choi, will help you learn the ALIVE model:
*Identify where to allow more yin time versus yang time
*Practice simplifying your decisions by listening within and trusting yourself than looking outside yourself for the answers
*Invest in you first to improve brain fog and navigate distraction and overwhelm
*Value your fears to manage chronic stress and anxiety
*Experience energy management hacks to keep your body moving while sitting at your desk all day
Through practical tools, exercises, and wisdom, she will demonstrate the “5 ALIVE Keys to Reclaim Your Energy” so you can find peace in the chaos, master your energy habits, and embody your brilliance.
Anna Sun Choi, Founder and CEO of SolJoy, is committed to elevating humanity’s consciousness through guiding high achieving, conscious coaches, consultants, and creatives to find peace in the chaos, master their energy habits, and embody their brilliance.
As a broke art major with zero experience or connections, she started and sold her first financial planning business grossing six figures by age 25.
Over the last two decades, she’s coached hundreds of leaders from all walks of life transform their lives, been invited to speak alongside Deepak Chopra, is a Forbes Author, TEDx Speaker, and was on faculty for a multimillion dollar personal and professional growth, training and development global enterprise.
Burned out from the hustle and grind, Anna met two enlightened teachers, spiritual guides, and renowned energy masters, H.H. Sai Maa and Ilchi Lee who set her on a path of self-healing and energy mastery. From being unwilling to spare 5 minutes a day for self-care to now meditating two hours/day while still living a very full life.
Anna is now an Energy Coach, Taekwondo martial artist, Yoga Tai Chi instructor, and Awakened Life Teacher helping high achieving, creative, conscious business leaders calm the chatter, cut through distractions, and tap into boundless energy so they can feel more health, happiness, and peace.