Calm The Mind Chatter
Cut through Distractions
Tap Into Boundless Joy
You’re Here Because...

On the outside, you’ve achieved a lot and people admire what you are up to and the life you built. Yet on the inside you, you’re exhausted, overwhelmed, or stressed with responsibilities as a high achieving, mindful entrepreneur, CEO, coach, & creati.
What lit you up before, doesn’t feed your fire in the same way.
You’ve evolved. What you want and how you want it has evolved. Who you serve has evolved.
Unwilling to hustle and grind as before, despite that it worked and that you love what you do–-your well-being, self care, and boundaries needs to take center stage. You are a warrior who wants to put down the sword, find fulfillment, and be guided by soul’s leadership.
How can you GET MORE ENERGY to make the impact you're born to make on this planet at this moment in history?
Deep inside there’s doubt and anxiety gnawing at you. When the lights go out at night, your mind cannot shut up of what still needs to get done.
You are addicted to achievement. Who you are is your actions and results.
Must. Be. Your Word–At All Costs. BUT . . .
Let Me Guess
Your body doesn’t quite recover in the same way at this age.
The all nighters you used to pull aren’t as much of an option without being out for several days in recovery.
You feel tense, unsatisfied, and it’s hard to relax or be present with all the responsibilities you carry.

You use your work and business to escape life telling yourself “I love what I do, it’s ok to keep working late..” You enjoy checking off one more thing, but sometimes you just feel like a machine, another cog in the wheel.
You’re not quite sure if you can be with slowing down . . .I’ll lose business, I’ll miss opportunities, others will get ahead!
I get it. So many clients come to me feeling so overwhelmed.
What do I prioritize? Who do I trust? There’s too much conflicting advice online–what’s best for me?
Your energy is scattered, you have a hard time saying no, and damn! being an empath can suck soaking up other’s energy around you.
The biggest fear or worry? Your business became a job that doesn’t pay or appreciate you enough or give you the fulfilment you seek.
How Would You Feel If . . .

I told you you can tap into boundless energy?
You can slow down, enjoy the journey, and become truly fulfilled?
That the world, your family, your team, or your clients won’t fall apart if you learned to take breaks and many vacations?
That your soul can give back to you hundredfold, if you just learn how to ask for help and better allow and receive?
So the Question Is . . .
How do feel more inner peace, health, and happiness while growing my business?
How do I experience the joy of being alive every moment?
How can I finish my day stronger with tons of energy not wanting to go to bed?
How do I feel more energy within without relying on outside stimulants like red bull or coffee?
How do I create stronger self care habits that allows me to easily relax a without feeling drained at the end of each day?

In Ignite 40 Days to Aliveness will 10x Your Energy to Laser-Focus your Energy, Embody your Brilliance, and Catapult your Business–I’m going to show you exactly how.
I’ve been there, and I also know what’s possible.

I went from severe IBS where every negative thought was a run to the bathroom and being nicknamed the “CMF” (Complicated Mind Fu**er) with “no time for friends” physically collapsing from exhaustion in my first six figure business. After selling the business, I became a full time mom forced to work 3 weeks after labor to make ends meet.
Burnout was normal and my family qualifying for food stamps at one point.
Then I met my energy masters.
Within a couple years of training with two enlightened teachers, I proved “having it all” was possible earning six figures in a passion business from scratch, taking 9 weeks of vacation off, with lots of quality of time with family in 2 years.

I discovered my passion to sing and dance going from being unwilling to sing in public to 2 people to premiering my first original song alongside a 7 time emmy award winner at a global peace concert within 6 months!
I’ve cracked the code for integrating meditation retreats at home as a daily lifestyle. I love date time with my soul, alone, in silence, meditating an hour a day.
I fall to my knees in tears the joy for simply being alive–just sitting alone at home on a regular ‘ole day.
Money no longer drives my worth as I consciously create my soul business with patience and faith.
You don’t grow your business in flow by accident.
You grow your business in flow intentionally creating soul nourishing habits day to day that allow you to tap into boundless energy no matter what!
Your easily surf the wave of chaos with calm and resilience. This is true power.
You feel inner peace, joy, and vitality no matter what life brings you.

This Program is For You If
- You feel scattered in your energy from trying to do too much at once
- You know you're in burnout and want more balance, harmony, and tools for shifting your energy
- You're looking for a road map or proven path to your ideal health and happiness
- You want to feel peace in the chaos
- You feel overwhelmed, stressed, and ready to commit to a change
In 40 Days, You Will
- 🔥 Focus your energy like a laser when you want
- 🔥 Release stuck energy and emotions stuck in your body through simple exericses
- 🔥 Feel peace in the chaos, circulating, accumulating, and balancing energy
- 🔥 Strengthen your mind and body connection developing tiny consistent habits
- 🔥 Transmute lethargy and burnout into motivation and inspired action
Don’t Take My Word For It — Watch Our Students Success Stories!
Here's What We'll Do Through These 40 Days
I’ll also teach you how to reconnect and feel the energy in your body in a way you’ve never experienced before.
I’ll show you how to feel energy in your body and detox out layers of emotions and stress from past baggage to building replenishing habits to help relax you.
Start a journey that could lead to joy and freedom in discipline in silence and stillness to commune with your Soul.
I’ve distilled down ancient wisdom into modern day life creating simple, easy to digest practices for you to easily follow and feel the results in this step by step hybrid program that includes an online course, 1:1 coaching, and Qigong Tai Chi classes.
Here’s What We Cover in 30 Minutes Per Week!
Week 1: BODY POWER: How to Stay Mindful and Focus your Energy
- Energy Hygiene: Are you homeless or at home in your body?
- Water Up Fire Down Circulation
- Practice 8 one minute "moving meditation" exercises
Week 2: HEART POWER: Emotions and Detoxing Our Organs
- Inner life of a cell
- Where emotions get processed in what organs
- Practice using inner and outer vibration methods for somatic awareness
Week 3: MIND POWER: The Power of Silence
- Focus as relaxed concentration
- Moving Meditation: Tai Chi Breathing and Jigam Energy
- Allowing breath as it is
Week 4: SOUL POWER: Joy as a Choice to Access Inner Wisdom
- The Science of Smiling
- Power of Laughter and Triggers
- Joy as a Choice
Week 5: INTEGRATION: Creativity to Access Subconscious Mind
- Access your subconscious visually through art drawing
- Listen and receive: messages from inner advisors
- Your Energy Toolkit to ignite your Soul's voice
40 Day Transformation Success Stories
Larry's “Most Amazing Personal Development Experiences in my Life!”
“I had extremely high expectations which were tremendously exceeded . . . She developed and trained us techniques for the whole range of the mind, body, heart, and soul and integrate them altogether. This is been one of the most amazing personal develop experiences in my life and this is what I do for a living!”
–-Dr. Larry Farwell, Harvard Neuroscientist and TIME’s Top 100 Innovators
Bianca from Exhaustion to Give Back to Herself
“I gave back to myself . . . I was able to surrender where I’ve been hurt before and release negative energy which is now part of daily routine.”
–Bianca McCall, Healthtech CEO of ReachIn Now, Retired Professional Women’s Basketball Player, 25 year Licensed Clinical Therapist, DEI partner and model for Paris luxury brand Givenchy
Heather from Unfocused to Focus, Grace, Ease, Being Nourished & Finding Her Voice
“You’re going to come out of this with the best version of yourself that could ever be found.”
–Heather Parisi, Product Manager, Former Junior Olympian
Hear What are Students have to Say
“I have more energy!”
“I got specific focus and daily routines that were simple and easy to maintain after the class.”
“I saw that it was time to step into my own purpose and give value to help support others through these challenging times.”
“There was a flood of leads that came in the week after I participated.”
“Valued being with people who allowed me to be fully myself.”
“Increased focus and confidence resulting in better time management and increased quality of work delivery and leadership; better organization and deepened inner connection leading to higher productivity both personally and professionally; Improved and better sustained energy with some zing and sparkle to it; overall increased sense of health and well being.”
What is Included in Ignite: 40 Days to Aliveness
Self Study Course
Access to a Step by Step, 5 Module Ignite self-study online course to feel 10x More Energy and Feel Peace in the Chaos
- Module 1: Body Power Training
- Module 2: Heart Power Training
- Module 3: Mind Power Training
- Module 4: Soul Power Training
- Module 5: Integration Training
Bite Sized Weekly Actions
Progress Tracker Assessment Tool
7 Point Posture Tutorial
Chart of What Emotions Relate to Primary Organs
5 Episodes of Energize with Anna – 30 Minute Qigong Playlist plus BONUS bedtime routine
Self Study Course + Private Coaching
Everything from the Self Study Course PLUS
90 Min of 1:1 Coaching Calls with Anna in 1 or 2 sessions. We establish your goals on the first call and make sure you’re on track in remaining calls, as well as address whatever challenges arise.
On demand text or call support from Anna for on the spot challenges, questions, and celebrations
Email accountability from your email updates on wins, challenges, and questions towards your goals
In 40 Days You Will
Calm the mind chatter and cut through distractions more easily!
Gain clarity and direction for tapping into boundless energy
Release stagnant energy in the body to have more laser focus on what truly matters in the business and life
Shift from exhausted to energized
Clear on how to replenish your energy in any chaos instantly
Gain confidence from consistent energy practices to recharge you throughout the day
Feel more connected to your heart and speak from the heart, enriching your closest relationships, especially with your soul
Smile for no reason and experience inner joy more easily giving you mojo to go after what you want in business and life
Tap into creativity to communicate with your Soul more easily
Gain confidence to shift from low vibration energy!

Get Real Results - Client Success Stories
Rachel Shifts from Stagnation to Creative Energy
“I shifted from stagnation sitting too long. Now I’m less stressed and became calm and replenished and have ability to self-soothe the chatter, realign, and rebalance. Just take it – it’ll give you the beginnings to focus, realign and quiet the mind and body. The program and experience is awesome.”
15 Gold and Platinum Album, Award-Winning Rockstar and 7 Figure Entrepreneur Aaron Ellis
During the class, I realized I needed a deeper and more pure connection with myself to actually have a true and meaningful connection with others that I was looking for. Now I’m more energized in all levels of my life. I have opened up within myself to begin to forgive myself and cherish the mind body and spirit that make me whole. I’ve seen transformation and growth into healing and confidence within me that I never expected. This experience was impactful beyond measure and I know this has changed me forever. I hope to pay this forward everyday even with the smallest gift of a smile for everyone I see ! Dive in … stop thinking and let go of your control. You’ll get more out of this class than you can ever imagine possible. – Heather Parisi
I had a hard time being relaxed, was carrying a lot of stress in my body and was hoping to gain relaxation tips to reduce the stress. The classes helped me relax in the middle of busy Mondays. Just pausing to attend the class brought peace.
– Lisa Bowers
Felt like my energy was going everywhere and was hoping to understand how to align my energy. I was able to be more mindful about energy. I still have a lot of work to channel it, but awareness is the first step. Just the ability to focus to think and be mindful of where my energy was going is nice. Take it for sure…you never know what you can learn and what benefits you can garner.
– Brianna Jackson
Eben Greene feels more centered and confident
You can open up and look inside of yourself – Lori Logue
I was looking to relax my mind, feel calm, and get tools to focus. From the class, I’m now less stressed and realized I need to take care of my mind, body, and organs in order to live a healthier and more fulfilling life. It’s a very safe and inviting environment.
Artist Joanne Feels More Relaxed and Charged Up!
“I’ve mastered these amazing tools to access any
time when I feel nervous or feel self doubt.”
You can open up and look inside of yourself – Lori Logue

I wanted to take time to focus each day or at least once a week on being more mindful and emotional health. I was looking for connections and community with supportive members – learning from others.I became clear headed in the joy of daily practice. As a result, closed our first large round of funding. – Alan Rodriguez

My energy was zapped and I was trying to heal. I wanted to connect with new and inspiring people.After working with Anna, I felt more relaxed and chill about life . in general with less concern about the intensity of life right now.I have almost healed my lungs which were a MESS at the beginning of this course. It’s freeing, simple and will bring you the balance to work/body/life you seek. Thank you for your space!
– Cara Valentine
Self Study Course
- 5 Module, Weekly Video Training
- Bite Sized Weekly Actions
- Progress Tracker Assessment Tool
- 7 Point Posture Tutorial
- Printable PDF digram of What Emotions Relate to Primary Organs and Sound Healing per Organ
- 5 Qigong Tai Chi class playlist

Self Study Course + Private Coaching
- 5 Module, Weekly Video Training
- Bite Sized Weekly Actions
- Progress Tracker Assessment Tool
- 7 Point Posture Tutorial
- Printable PDF digram of What Emotions Relate to Primary Organs and Sound Healing per Organ
- 5 Qigong Tai Chi class playlist
PLUS- 2 Hours of 1:1 Sessions within 90 days
- 90 Day access to text or call support from Anna for on the spot for challenges, questions, celebrations
- 90 Day Accountability: You email updates on progress towards goals, challenges, and questions and receive guidance and support

Curious to learn more?
Then I invite You to Focus your Energy and Gain Motivation Now !
About the Instructor

Anna Choi, Energy Master, Taekwondo Black Belt, CEO (Chief Energy Officer) of SolJoy, and Performance Artist serves high achieving, creative, conscious, nextgen global leaders to catalyze a tipping point in global enlightenment through mind body wellbeing and energy training programs.
Since 2017, she’s been helping high achievers tap into boundless energy to embody their brilliance. An avid energy mastery student the last two decades, her work blends ancient wisdom, healing martial arts, and moving meditations as a 2x TEDx Speaker, Forbes Author, Qigong Tai Chi Instructor, Korean American social entrepreneur, and philanthropist.
Anna is also Founder of the Conscious Leadership Foundation funding educator scholarships for Brain Power Wellness training to cultivate the mind, body, heart, and soul for students.