Here’s my son, Eli. He’s beckoning to you to let out that inner dragon. Did I tell you?
My Son has transformed into a dragon. When he’s got this creative costume on, he can’t help but breath fire, suddenly roar, and claw at the air. His creative costume helps him act in new ways. Now he may be a three year old playing around, but what creative costume could you “put on” to take action on what you have been procrastinating on?
Picking Your Creative Costume
What could you pretend to be that would create results in your day? There was a study showing two groups asked to reach for a doorknob as fast as possible to get the best time. Those who were told to pretend they were superhuman with lightening fast reflexes consistently beat the times of the control group. Mere imagination caused a new result in reality. So again, what’s your creative costume that will allow you to accomplish what you accomplish in your day to day projects to move forward?
A Case Study
My creative costume today was embodying Bruce Lee. Bruce Lee was a legend for many things, and quite notably this footage of him playing ping pong with nunchucks. Yes, nunchucks. I highly recommend watching this 3 1/2 minute clip to witness this inspirational act of sheer performance.
So I thought to myself, why not be the Bruce Lee of Time Management! I tackled my calendar like Bruce Lee hitting those ping pong balls and achieved more than I imagined was possible being myself. It worked.
Your Turn
Pick your creative character you can embody today. Pick a boring project or something you’ve been avoiding and choose the character that will be best to embody to get that task done. Discover the magic that unfolds not only to get the job done, but be fun and creative while you’re at it!