Ever wonder if you’re actually following the right path?
A trio of teenage girls passed away in my spiritual community from a car accident a few weeks ago. I didn’t know them personally.
It’s moments like this I stop and ask myself this same question:
Am I living my life to its fullest? Or playing it safe? Am I following my heart or my head?
Last Friday, I had such a moment. I was on a call talking to Amber, a book launch expert about my book.
I haven’t even been public about the book. What if I don’t finish it? What if it flops? What if it distracts me from my business? It’s all been said before.
Yet for the past year or two, there’s been a yearning DEEP WITHIN to simply write, write, and write some more. To vlog (video blog) and share my life and what I’ve learned.
Being an author didn’t tie in neatly with my strategic business plan. Or tie into my 2021 business goals or make money for a future marketing campaign.
So the book became a side project that “made no sense revenue wise” and was my pet passion project I wanted to do for the sake of just feeling the joy of writing.
As Amber and I start brainstorming the book content, I start sharing about my 16 day road trip. I can feel my energy growing, my face breaking out into a smile.
“There would be 10 hour days on the road with no wifi! In that silence–with nothing to distract me, I ended up composing my first song.
My voice lesson teacher who’s an ACTUAL musician said it was like…a legit song! Like a good one. It felt Divine Inspiration flowing through me.
I started with a catchy tune that came from within. Then it grew into lyrics, the chorus came–and boom–created my first song “You are ok.”
As I bashfully complete sharing the joy it was to write that song (my head saying “Get back to business!) I mutter with a slight smile quickly saying “So yeah…just as a side note.”
Amber interrupts me saying “No, Anna! No!
It’s not a side note.
It’s THE note!”
I swear to you, my life flashed before my eyes. I saw a series of scenes playing music, moving my body, being a digital nomad going on a global tour speaking to thousands of schools and organizations. I felt the freedom my business was to grant me when I first began.
It was never to build my business into a money making empire. Never.
As returned to The Note, I realized my own blindspot in my business.
I had given up on centering my business in what brought my joy after a number of failed attempts.
So I created the next best thing. A business I enjoyed that had moments of 100% fulfillment helping clients and knew would serve people making a great impact.
I know that sounds awesome still, but there was something missing.
Throughout the whole frickin pandemic, I never figured it out. In fact, I circled back to the same “goal” that didn’t quite resonate even after a year!
While I became more aligned, still hadn’t struck the right chord or Note quite yet.
The Note being what made my heart sing. The Note being what naturally aroused my aliveness within.
This message is dedicated to The Note.
The Note that threads throughout all our lives and is the energy line that lights you up with resonance.
The Note gives you courage to free yourself of what others thinks.
The Note allows 100% of the real you to show up publicly, boldy, with no apologies.
The Note harmonizes away, shedding layers of all the should’s:
Don’t write that! That could offend so and so. What will people say?
You may not have a name for The Note.
You may be satisfied with what you think The Note may be.
You’ll know when you find The Note because there’s a vibration you cannot deny. A high level frequency that penetrates to your heart and soul whispering to you “There is no turning back, Anna.”
The Note presences your soul, surging in your veins to finally take that leap you were meant to take.
What’s The Note you’ve been pushing aside “as a sidenote” in your life?
I offer this inquiry for today.
Discover your Note.
Ping me what you discover by replying back.